Monday, March 23, 2015

With Monday comes the beginning of a new week. And with the beginning of a new week comes coffee. Spring Semester 2015 has revolved around caffeine and productivity, both of which could not exist without the friendly neighborhood coffee shop. In the Fargo/Moorhead area, this personal oasis of mine exists in the form of Moxie Java, which provides me with not only a place to study and fuel up, but as of recently a barista job as well! It has been a tradition for my friend Lydia and I to trek over here and get things done every Monday (even if it's unplanned, somehow we always end up here anyways). We call these days "Moxie Mondays" and they often help turn our Monday blues into productive & caffeinated brews.

With that, welcome to Moxie Mondays. A weekly post dedicated to those days where we all need a little pick-me-up. Whether its about my current coffee ravings or my attempts at productivity, the goal is to turn Mondays into something more welcomed. I encourage every one of you to find your own Moxie Java oasis and let's get rid of those Monday blues all together.

I am a huge advocate for small town businesses, and Fargo is full of them. Today I want to introduce you to my previously mentioned oasis of productivity: the Moorhead Moxie Java. Just recently I was offered a position on their barista crew, and I could not be more excited. So yes, now I spend even more time here, I should just start paying rent at this rate. 

Complete with wifi, multiple menus of caffeinated goodies, and a fireplace for those classic Fargo winters, I haven't changed my preference of coffee shop since I first moved up here 3 years ago. The cups are stacked higher than my head and the coffee seems to flow endlessly (sometimes in a wolf mug if you're lucky). The regulars are quite the characters and the rest of the crew hold some of the nicest personalities in the F/M area. What more could you ask for?

If you want to see the place in action, the local news crew did a little filming of my dude Paul behind the counter to advocate new medical benefits of drinking coffee (as if we needed another reason to be addicted right?). Check it out here!

So that's the inside scoop on my local coffee stoop. Have a local gem of your own? Don't be shy, brag about it below, I'm always looking to add to my list of shops to visit while on the road.

Happy Moxie Monday!


  1. Love it! I miss being a barista, and since moving to a new town when I got married a year ago, I haven't been able to find "my coffee shop", which is incredibly sad! lol.
    This is a very cute weekly theme :)

    Kristin // The Peculiar Treasure (my post today was about coffee too, haha)

  2. Yay! Happy Monday. :) The coffee shop sounds great! My favorite local coffee shop is Cool Beans, although I only get to go a couple times a month. I plan on getting there more often now that I'm on summer vacay!
